Unattributed risks are essentially missing from settlements as they are not being calculated. A risk in this area may be trying to assess the missing amount of energy in settlements, whether it is a whole value or a partial amount of energy. Current risks include; Theft, Unregistered sites, Shipperless sites, LDZ offtake and Meter Bypass.
Meter Reads risks can be considered as meter read related risks – that is, there is a risk to settlement error either from meter reads not being submitted, or reads being rejected, or certain types of reads not being submitted as expected. Current risks include; Drift, Line in the Sand, PC read performance, transfer reads etc.
Volume and Data Corrections risks can be considered having a risk to settlement errors either from the correction factors used to correct settlement volume to energy, or a data correction process has an inherent risk in the process. Current risks include; AQ corrections, Correction factors etc.
Meter Asset risks can be considered having a risk to settlement errors from the data being held on central systems not reflecting the correct meter attributes. Current risks include; Incorrect Meter Asset, Smart Meter exchanges, NDM sites at DM Threshold.