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The PAC is carrying out an initiative throughout 2022/23 to tackle a large number of sites with no reads for up to 4 years. Each year in March, there is a Code Cut-off date, otherwise known as ‘Line in the sand’ which means any site which has not had a read in 4 years is limited to what retrospective charges and credits a Shipper can make on the site.

In the 2022 AUGE statement, ‘the unidentified gas associated with sites without a read at the ‘Line in the Sand’ is 861 GWh of which 640 GWh is for sites that have had reads rejected and 91 GWh is for sites that are overdue a must read’2. The AUGE noted that Line in the sand is the second largest contributor to UIG in 2021/22.

Poor performance in this area is leading to inaccurate consumption calculations and therefore, settlement and balancing inaccuracies contributing to UIG. It may also lead to organisations inaccurately invoicing customers. The risk for this area has risen significantly over the last 12 months and the PAC are turning their attention toward those parties who are not meeting their UNC obligations in this area.

The initiative will see the PAFA sending letters to the industry to raise awareness, and approaching individual Shippers which high levels of no reads with the expectation that this is worked on throughout the year to minimise the impact on the next line in the sand on 31st March 2023.