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Updated 14/07/2023


The PAC monitor Modifications within the UNC and IGT UNC which have a potential impact on gas settlement on a monthly basis. This can either be through representation at other forums or an update on progress via the Joint Office (who manages the PAC and other development workgroups within the UNC).

The Modifications currently on the PACs watchlist are;

  • UNC 0811S – Shipper Agreed Read (SAR) exceptions process
  • UNC 0812R – Review of alternatives to “Must Read” arrangements
    • To review the options should a Shipper breach its meter reading obligations and alternatives to the current “must read” service provided by transporters.
    • Link to Review group page
  • UNC 0831 – Allocation of LDZ UIG to Shippers Based on a Straight Throughput Method
    • The purpose of this Modification is to change the method by which unidentified gas (UIG) is allocated to Shippers from the current AUGE table of weighting factors to a throughput or universal allocation model.
    • Link to Modification page
  • UNC 0831A – Allocation of LDZ UIG to Shippers (Class 2, 3 and 4) Based on a Straight Throughput Method
    • The purpose of this Modification is to remove the current AUGE process and create a permanent weighting table that encourages movement to Daily metering, reduces levels of UIG and discourages risk premiums for customers.
    • Link to Modification page
  • UNC 0840 (Urgent) – Equalisation of prepayment and non-prepayment AUG factors
    • This Urgent Modification proposes to remove the differential treatment of prepayment meters and non-prepayment meters in the allocation of Unidentified Gas. This proposal is to amend the process prior to the finalisation of the AUG Table for Gas Year 2023/2024.
    • Link to Modification page (awaiting implementation)
  • UNC 0843 – Establishing the Independent Shrinkage Charge and the Independent Shrinkage Expert
    • To incentivise the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and lower customer bills, this Modification introduces the role of the Independent Shrinkage Expert (ISE) who will establish:
      • the Independent Shrinkage Model (ISM),
      • the Independent Shrinkage Model Methodology (ISMM), and
      • the Independent Shrinkage Charge (ISC).
    • Link to Modification page
  • IGT159V – Amendments to the Must Read process
    • To update the Must Read process to include timescales for a site to enter the process, and to introduce timeframes for procuring and returning a read that align with Central Data Service Provider (CDSP) validation criteria.
    • Link to Modification page (awaiting implementation)